Sunday, June 18, 2006

Love or Hate? ::
. I missed my opportunity to see this movie in Ottawa (boo!). So, I'd like to hear what you thought of it!
. Personally I like Frank. He's an artist. Spatially I think he questions our typical notions and relationships to space with original provocations (throughout his career). Also I think his work challenges the current building/technology industry to create new ways to use tools, construction techniques and materials.
. People give Gehry a hard time for things like the "Bilbao Effect" but never question the various *beautiful* 'Co-Mo' buildings which plague many of our urban landscapes.
. I do agree that some of his recent commercial decisions may be a wee-bit excessive -ex. Brad Pitt...but he hasn't let it influence his architecture (yet) *fingers crossed*.

. Gehry is an evolving space-maker who seems as though is still in the process of learning and experimenting.
And really, in the end isn't that what all architects dream of doing?

+CBC //+Metacritic //+Globe and Mail//+ Torontoist
+ Sony Pictures : includes info and trailer


Blogger Thomas said...

This movie is in Vancouver now and it will be watched and it will be reported on.

Erickson has small hands. It's true. I have no reason to lie to you.

Gehry enjoys drinking through a straw. I'm just saying.

19 June, 2006  
Blogger Ravalette said...

I'm impressed by your knowledge of 'insignificant' architectural facts! lol.
I saw Erickson lecture a couple years ago but failed to notice his little hands...maybe that explains his recent investigations into 'tall' buildings.
Straws eh?...I wonder if they profile that in the movie?

19 June, 2006  
Blogger Christine said...

this is one for my must-see list

20 June, 2006  
Blogger Thomas said...

It's playing in Ottawa in August, yo.

24 June, 2006  

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