Saturday, June 17, 2006

Retired: PF Flyers
*sigh*...emotional attachment can be an unpredictable phenomenon. Sometimes taken for granted an attachment for something isn't always apparent until you have to part with it. My most recent attachment came in the form of shoes - yes, shoes. Although they've been a part of my daily routine for almost two years, I suppose their most valued characteristic was that they became associated with my travels through Europe. No longer were they just a 'cool' pair of shoes but they had become a symbol of my personal growth. Like a photograph they captured moments of a narrative. Untold and seemingly insignificant stories could be revealed through their numerous abrasions and patchwork repair. Ironically they will only exist in this photo(above)...hasta la vista.


Blogger Christine said...

RIP pf flyers!! we luuurve you

18 June, 2006  

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